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Otherworldly Syros

Follow the narrow cobblestone streets down to the stone built platform 

and take a dive into the crystal clear aegean blue.
This is just a sip of the romantic Cycladic isle, called Syros.

Saudade grabs and sweeps you over when watching the sunset from Sa Mihali, 

a north village with a population of 2.

Suddenly you feel nostalgia for a life not lived on this island, or any island at all.

Sometimes words simply can not do justice to experiences we’ve lived.

For me, those days up there is one of those unspeakable moments.

Follow the narrow cobblestone streets 

down to the stone built platform and take 

a dive into the crystal clear aegean blue.
This is just a sip of the romantic 

Cycladic isle, called Syros.

Saudade grabs and sweeps you over 

when watching the sunset from Sa Mihali, 

a north village with a population of 2.

Suddenly you feel nostalgia for a life not lived on this island, or any island at all.

Sometimes words simply can not do justice 

to experiences we’ve lived. 

For me, those days up there is one 

of those unspeakable moments.